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Hello, and best wishes to you and yours.  

Welcome to the “A Wish For Life” website!

My Poem, “A Wish For Life,” is here, along with 
the story of how I wrote it, the tender wishes it 
carries for everyone, and the gifts it offers to 
people everywhere.

“A Wish For Life” invites us all to cherish our 
own lives and the lives of others.
Please enjoy this sincere little poem!
Some people enjoy reading and re-reading 
“A Wish For Life,” and I hope it will bring you 
joy as you read it to yourself and to those you 
care about.  

The Story Of “A Wish For Life”
I wrote this poem in early 1994 as an
introduction to a book of my poetry.  I wanted 
to create a poem that would summarize my 
feelings about life, love, people, and living—a 
poem that would be both a greeting and an 
inspiration to readers.

I sat down to write, hoping to put my own
“essence” into words, and, thus, “A Wish For Life” 
was born one lovely Berkeley morning.

“A Wish For Life” has taken on a life of its own 
since that first day in 1994.  Within a few weeks, 
I discovered that it rang true to my friends, and 
I felt called to share it with dozens of people, all 
of whom enjoyed hearing the poem and thanked me.

I soon created small folding “calling cards” with 
the poem inside, and began giving them to
friendly people I met.  Over the last twelve years, 
I have given out thousands of the little poem cards.  
Some times I offer the cards to people as we’re 
talking. Other times, someone will read another
person’s copy of  “A Wish For Life” and ask me 
for their own copy, plus a few for friends and
loved ones.

People read “A Wish For Life” silently and aloud.  
They ask my permission to read it at all kinds of 
family and social gatherings.  It has been read at 
graduations, community events, memorials, 
business meetings, parties, and concerts across 
the country.

A sweet friend recently told me that he treasures 
the poem and feels that it is meant to go out into 
the world now, and find its own wider family 
out there.  After sharing thousands of little poem 
cards one at a time, and hearing about all those 
earnest readings, it is time to make “A Wish For 
Life” available to the larger world, he says. 

He likens its personal impact and intrinsic value 
to the Desiderata, and pictures it in places of 
honor, displayed for all to read on walls, mantels, 
desktops, and articles of clothing.  
He sees the poem in people’s homes and in their 
hearts; on posters, cards, wall hangings, and 
cups; in books and on warm jackets; bringing
smiles and encouragement to more people every 
day.  He sees meditation and discussion groups 
focusing on the “Wish” and changing the world 
with their positive intentions . . . .

That is my friend’s happy vision, and I applaud it. 
The poem and those who embrace it will show me
what place it will actually have in people’s lives.

                  A WISH FOR LIFE         

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find. 

I wish for magical days, radiant with love,
Bright with insight and sharing, warmed by peace.

I hope for pivotal times, lasting friendships,
A golden life infused with affection and daring.

I yearn for personal heroes, people who blossom
As they spin intriguing lives, full and awesome.

I long for a life that inspires and encourages,
One that nurtures dreams and fuels creativity.

I reach for a life that brings joy and ease 
To me and mine, to you and yours, a light to all.

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find.
    ~  Linda E. Merrill, MBA, CPA, Writer, Editor,
                   Artist, Jeweler, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agt
                   Prepaid Legal Services Sales Assoc, Notary,  . . . 
                           Copyright 1994, All rights reserved
                                      Berkeley, California                               

The Future Of “A Wish For Life”

       Please e-Mail "A Wish For Life" To Others!     CLICK HERE
                                                                                           For e-mail to send
I hope that you enjoy this little poem, that it 
brightens your life, and that you will want to 
forward this e-mail to others, as many as you can 
think of, around the world.

[[P.S.  When you forward this to others,
please help them by sending it using “Bcc”, and
please maintain the privacy of previous
forwarders by deleting their personal contact
information (e-mail addresses, names, and so on).
       I am happy to be the source of this sending, 
so I appreciate having you retain my information 
here when you do forward this e-mail.

If you see the value in this, I would appreciate
your sharing this hopeful, positive poem with those
you admire and enjoy.

Thank you all so much,

               ~ Linda E. Merrill    ]]

      "A Wish For Life" And You

What does “A Wish For Life” mean to you?  
Are you content to have a friendly “Wish” e-mail to forward, or do you want a deeper and more visible experience of it?
Is it “complete” as an e-mail message, or would you like it to grow and evolve into a larger and more widely-shared social experience?  

Please let us know how you’d like to see this little “Wish” blossom!

I hope that “A Wish For Life” is welcomed and embraced by caring people everywhere.

If it speaks to you, if it gives you comfort and hope, you may want to remember it, to meditate or pray as you think of others and wish them well.                     Wish everyone true happiness!
As we consciously decide to wish others everywhere happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives, we naturally change our whole world for the better.  

There is profound and unlimited good in realizing that

“What I wish for me, for this precious life of mine,
  Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find . . . ”

                  is a Universal and lasting truth.

Some people enjoy reading and re-reading“A Wish For Life.”   
They read it to friends and loved ones, to babies and strangers, 
to crowds and family gatherings.  People read it at graduations, 
birthday celebrations, and public meetings.  
Where will you read it, and what will it mean to you?

It is intended to nurture, embrace, and encourage all of us; to reflect the unlimited beauty and possibility present everywhere; 
to celebrate and enhance the glory of everyday life; and to inspire, 
nourish, and comfort each of us daily.

My wish for this gentle little poem is that it find its own audience, 
its larger family, naturally and gracefully, as you share it with others through e-mail or oral readings. 
And, I trust that you will respect my copyright as you share it privately in these ways.

I do plan to read “A Wish For Life” aloud, and to record that for you to listen to at your leisure.  
I feel an “A Wish” book somewhere in the near future, and our website will give you news of the poem’s life and travels in the days to come.

Thank you for being a part of the “Wish” family!

Best wishes to all,


     ~ Linda E. Merrill, MBA, CPA, Writer, Editor,
                   Artist, Jeweler, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agt
                   Prepaid Legal Services Sales Assoc, Notary,  . . . 
                           Copyright 2006, All rights reserved
                                      Berkeley, California                               

An "A WISH FOR LIFE" e-mail, for you to copy,
paste into your own e-mail program, and send:


Bcc:  ( insert your personal addressees here )

Subject:   "A WISH FOR LIFE" From Linda E. Merrill -- A poem to celebrate life and heal the world . . . 

Hello, and best wishes to you and yours.  

Welcome to the “A Wish For Life” website!
(see www.awishforlife.com, which was created 
on September 22, 2006)

My Poem, “A Wish For Life,” is here, along with 
the story of how I wrote it, the tender wishes it 
carries for everyone, and the gifts it offers to 
people everywhere.

“A Wish For Life” invites us all to cherish our 
own lives and the lives of others.
Please enjoy this sincere little poem!
Some people enjoy reading and re-reading 
“A Wish For Life,” and I hope it will bring you 
joy as you read it to yourself and to those you 
care about.  

          A WISH FOR LIFE         

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find. 

I wish for magical days, radiant with love,
Bright with insight and sharing, warmed by peace.

I hope for pivotal times, lasting friendships,
A golden life infused with affection and daring.

I yearn for personal heroes, people who blossom
As they spin intriguing lives, full and awesome.

I long for a life that inspires and encourages,
One that nurtures dreams and fuels creativity.

I reach for a life that brings joy and ease 
To me and mine, to you and yours, a light to all.

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find.

    “Linda E. Merrill” < awishforlife22@yahoo.com >

  ~ Linda E. Merrill, MBA, CPA, Writer, Editor,
      Artist, Jeweler, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agt
      Prepaid Legal Services Sales Assoc, Notary,  . . . 
          Copyright 1994, All rights reserved
                   Berkeley, California                               

     The future of “A Wish For Life”

I hope that you enjoy this little poem, that it 
brightens your life, and that you will want to 
forward this e-mail to others, as many as you can 
think of, around the world.

[[P.S.  When you forward this to others,
please help them by sending it using “bcc,” and
please maintain the privacy of previous
forwarders by deleting their personal contact
information (e-mail addresses, names, and so on).
       I am happy to be the source of this sending, 
so I appreciate having you retain my information 
here when you do forward this e-mail.

If you see the value in this, I would appreciate
your using this e-mail address string as your
“To” addressees:

“Tim Bennett and Oprah Winfrey” <tbennett@harpo.com>, “Marianne Williamson” < mariannecomments@iamplify.com >, “Tavis Smiley” <tavis@tavistalks.com>, ”Louise Hay “ < admin@hayhouse.com >

Thank you all so much,

               ~ Linda E. Merrill    ]]

     The story of “A Wish For Life”
I wrote this poem in early 1994 as an
introduction to a book of my poetry.  I wanted 
to create a poem that would summarize my 
feelings about life, love, people, and living—a 
poem that would be both a greeting and an 
inspiration to readers.

I sat down to write, hoping to put my own
“essence” into words, and, thus, “A Wish For Life” 
was born one lovely Berkeley morning.

“A Wish For Life” has taken on a life of its own 
since that first day in 1994.  Within a few weeks, 
I discovered that it rang true to my friends, and 
I felt called to share it with dozens of people, all 
of whom enjoyed hearing the poem and thanked me.

I soon created small folding “calling cards” with 
the poem inside, and began giving them to
friendly people I met.  Over the last twelve years, 
I have given out thousands of the little poem cards.  
Some times I offer the cards to people as we’re 
talking. Other times, someone will read another
person’s copy of  “A Wish For Life” and ask me 
for their own copy, plus a few for friends and
loved ones.

People read “A Wish For Life” silently and aloud.  
They ask my permission to read it at all kinds of 
family and social gatherings.  It has been read at 
graduations, community events, memorials, 
business meetings, parties, and concerts across 
the country.

A sweet friend recently told me that he treasures 
the poem and feels that it is meant to go out into 
the world now, and find its own wider family 
out there.  After sharing thousands of little poem 
cards one at a time, and hearing about all those 
earnest readings, it is time to make “A Wish For 
Life” available to the larger world, he says. 

He likens its personal impact and intrinsic value 
to the Desiderata, and pictures it in places of 
honor, displayed for all to read on walls, mantels, 
desktops, and articles of clothing.  
He sees the poem in people’s homes and in their 
hearts; on posters, cards, wall hangings, and 
cups; in books and on warm jackets; bringing
smiles and encouragement to more people every 
day.  He sees meditation and discussion groups 
focusing on the “Wish” and changing the world 
with their positive intentions . . . .

That is my friend’s happy vision, and I applaud it. 
The poem and those who embrace it will show me
what place it will actually have in people’s lives.

     "A Wish For Life" and you

What does “A Wish For Life” mean to you?  
Are you content to have a friendly “Wish” 
e-mail to forward, or do you want a deeper and 
more visible experience of it?
Is it “complete” as an e-mail message, or would 
you like it to grow and evolve into a larger 
and more widely-shared social experience?  

Please let us know how you’d like to see this 
little “Wish” blossom!

I hope that “A Wish For Life” is welcomed and 
embraced by caring people everywhere.

If it speaks to you, if it gives you comfort and 
hope, you may want to remember it, to meditate 
or pray as you think of others and wish them well.  
Wish everyone true happiness!
As we consciously decide to wish others 
everywhere happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives, we 
naturally change our whole world for the better.  

There is profound and unlimited good in 
realizing that

“What I wish for me, for this precious life of mine,
  Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find”

                  is a Universal and lasting truth.

Some people enjoy reading and re-reading
“A Wish For Life.”   They read it to friends and 
loved ones, to babies and strangers, to crowds and 
family gatherings.  People read it at graduations, 
birthday celebrations, and public meetings.  
Where will you read it, and what will it mean 
to you?

It is intended to nurture, embrace, and encourage 
all of us; to reflect the unlimited beauty and 
possibility present everywhere; to celebrate and 
enhance the glory of everyday life; and to inspire, 
nourish, and comfort each of us daily.

My wish for this gentle little poem is that it find 
its own audience, its larger family, naturally and 
gracefully, as you share it with others through 
e-mail or oral readings. 
And, I trust that you will respect my copyright 
as you share it privately in these ways.

I do plan to read “A Wish For Life” aloud, and to 
record that for you to listen to at your leisure.  
I feel an “A Wish” book somewhere in the near 
future, and our website will give you news of the 
poem’s life and travels in the days to come.

Thank you for being a part of the “Wish” family!

Best wishes to all,


  “Linda E. Merrill” < awishforlife22@yahoo.com >

~ Linda E. Merrill, MBA, CPA, Writer, Editor,
     Artist, Jeweler, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agt
     Prepaid Legal Services Sales Assoc, Notary,  . . . 
           Copyright 2006, All rights reserved
                   Berkeley, California                               

  The Future Of “A Wish For Life”
Please e-Mail “A Wish For Life” 
To Others!
  The Story Of “A Wish For Life”
“A Wish For Life” And You,
Now and in the future . . .
The “A Wish For Life” e-ail, 
For you to copy and send
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