A WISH FOR LIFE                               

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find. 

I wish for magical days, radiant with love,Bright with insight and sharing, warmed by peace.

I hope for pivotal times, lasting friendships,A golden life infused with affection and daring.

I yearn for personal heroes, people who blossomAs they spin intriguing lives, full and awesome.

I long for a life that inspires and encourages,One that nurtures dreams and fuels creativity.

I reach for a life that brings joy and ease To me and mine, to you and yours, a light to all.

Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find.My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 

               ~  Linda E. Merrill  ~

                                Copyright 1994, All rights reserved
                                Berkeley, California

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